Advance Directive Documents & More
Advance Directive Documents
Legal Form: Power of Attorney for Health Care (POA-HC)
Wisconsin Medical Society Advance Directive NEW!!!
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Other Advance Directives
Legal Form: Living Will
Legal Form: Authorization for Final Disposition
Legal Form: Power of Attorney for Finance and Property
Let's Talk Handouts
Advance Care Planning through Crisis and Beyond:
A Toolkit for Senior Care Facilities, Residents and Families
This toolkit was designed in August 2020 amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus is beneficial skills and tools for senior care staff members, residents and their families to have productive conversations around personal wishes and goals of health care, especially if the resident is ill with COVID-19.
Additional Resources for Help with Advance Directives
Wisconsin Department of Health Services: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/guide/end-life-planning.htm
State Bar of Wisconsin: https://www.wisbar.org/forpublic/ineedinformation/pages/health-care.aspx
Organ Donation
Donate Life Wisconsin: http://donatelifewisconsin.org/ (Link opens in a new window.)
Body Donation
Medical College of Wisconsin Anatomical Gift Registry: https://www.mcw.edu/Anatomical-Gift-Registry.htm (Link opens in a new window.)
University of Wisconsin Body Donation Program: body-donation (Link opens in a new window.)
Unless a death meets requirements indicated in WI Statute Chapter 979, an autopsy is generally NOT performed. If a family requests an autopsy, they will be responsible for paying for it.
CDC Public Health Law Program:
https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/coroner/wisconsin.html (Link opens in a new window.) -
WI Statute re: Autopsy: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/979/01 (Link opens in a new window.)